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Writer's pictureSamantha Stroud

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Yoga, Granny, DIY deodorant, puppo love, coconuts, website updates, great friends!

During tonight's yoga class on the beach I decided to try things a little differently. I really mixed all the practices that I have found help me most, and it was quite a success! As I prepared to start tonight, a storm rolled by to the south, some light drizzle touched my skin as I witnessed the lightning and thunder over the water. At some point the lightning calmed, and I wanted to see more. I was called to strike my tuning forks, with my strike came a bolt of lightning. I played the forks a few more times and then was called to pull out the crystal bowl. The drizzle restarted, I started the bowl, and again, beautiful bolts to the water. I thought to myself, maybe I'll do some chanting(simple sound resonation), more lightning. Almost every time I began a sound there was another bolt, and some thunder. I felt so connected to the energy, and started to gain a crowd of seagulls, they were moving closer and closer. If I turned my gaze directly to them, they'd stop and turn the opposite way, the sound and focus had them interested. As class started, I opened with the on body weighted tuning fork, and 2 card pulls. The queen of wands and the purity card, 2 of wands, came through, second time today for the queen of wands. Both representing connection to spirit, the queen showing the pure intuition, the ability to know due to the ability to hear, see and feel truth, which I feel has a deeper connection when we purify our mind, body, and Spirit. Class was thena mix of yin, which we had a cleansing rain come back through, and Kundalini yoga practices, which the rain stopped as soon as we switched to. We ended facing one another, I playing the crystal bowl, and guiding through the simple chakra chants, harmonizing with one another and the bowl. This left us feeling amazing afterwards, floating in a natural state of bliss. I look forward to more experiences like this.

All day before class I shared time and space with my Granny! What a blessing to be so close to her and to be able to have days like today with her. We meet early for Barre class with one of her favorite instructors, and I see why, Dixie is a wonderful instructor, and a kind, sweet woman! Granny is amazing too, it is so awesome to see her working so hard in these classes, and the ability and strength she has. A body in motion really does stay in motion, and I think mindset also plays a huge role in it too. We then went back to the house and chatted for a bit, and headed to the garden center, and lunch! Granny is such great company, I learn so much from just being with her. I cherish these times.

On my way then over to the beach, I stopped and collected some coconuts, for water and meat purposes! I saw a bunch of gopher tortoises, an iguana climbing a huge coconut palm, and some burrowing owls! The biggest burrowing owls I've ever seen, there's usually so little! .. this is when I noticed the storms rolling in...

Speaking of coconuts... I have been using a homemade deodorant that really works! I have tried so many different deodorants that have"better ingredients" ... I always end up smelling out getting bumps under my arms. So for a while I just stopped using it and was pretty smelly, I have to admit. For the past 2weeks, I have been using my own concoction; coconut oil, baking soda, spring water, lemon essential oil. I have been stink and bump free! My body really seems to like it! If interested, I can send you some to try to! Id love for more people to try this out!! And offer feedback!!

We finished doggo sitting yesterday, which was bittersweet, we love spending puppo time, and it also feels great to come home. There is a lot to do around here, so I've got some stuff to get to, like planting my okra and melon babies!! Some tie dye is calling me as well!! While at my aunt's it was also nice to have wifi, I made many updates and changes to the website! More to be done, I am very happy with where it all stands right now though. I am loving the layout, and now there is just some info I need to add! All coming together in perfect timing, as always!!

I wanted to give a big thanks to the great friends that surround me. I have grown so much with their help and love to see their growth as well. Without the support of great friends, life just doesn't flow quite the same. I had been manifesting meeting them all organically, while doing what I love, I have now found such a awesome group of loving, caring, strong, intelligent, intuitive, divine women, that I am so grateful to call my sisters. Everyone of them brings something so special to the friendship and have such wonderful gifts that I have had the honor of seeing them open and flourish into! Thank you blissful beings, you know who you are❤️🙏.

Life is so good, there is so much to be grateful for.

I love you,


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